Thank you for your thoughts, JED and AP (below).
As a queer person, I'm encouraged to hear more conversation about terms and identities.
Plenty of butch women are in relationships with men. A straight woman may identify as femme, butch, or otherwise. It's a reflection of identity and personality, not sexual orientation.
Also, the labels or identifiers I choose for myself don't oppress me: Brown, female, queer, feminist, immigrant, or butch. I chose them all.
Oppression is the result of the actions of others: racists, misogynists, bigots, homophobes, xenophobes...
I fight against oppression by standing up for the human rights of myself and others, even people I don't like.
I make myself vulnerable to oppressors; to engage them in conversation about the impact of human rights violations on all of us.
It's been a great convo! Let's do it again real soon.